Integrative Offerings

I am here for you to show up in your humanness and be acknowledged for all of it. I cannot offer a “quick fix” solution as this relationship requires commitment and effort on both of our parts. My role is to walk alongside you and support you in cultivating the internal resources that you already embody in hopes you can lead with more clarity, curiosity and compassion in your day to day life.


Internal Family Systems

I am a level 1 trained Internal Family Systems practitioner, or IFS for short. IFS looks at each person as being made up of parts, these parts were necessary for safety at one point in your life, but may not be necessary any longer. This modality is non-pathologizing and makes no room for judgement. IFS incorporates both the body and mind and the wisdom they hold. I love this model because it offers the tools to work with the system instead of against. Through IFS we can remember our true nature, and can be free from burdens that are no longer serving us.

Read more here IFS Institute


Embodied Equine Sessions

Embodied Equine sessions are experiential and prioritize the relationship you have with the horse and the environment, this allows space for an organic unfolding to happen. Horses are sentient beings and offer us great insights if we are willing to listen. This modality involves present moment awareness, connection, and is somatic (body based) in nature. Working with horses may be for you if you are seeking an alternative approach to healing or are looking to connect to nature and animals in a deeper way.

Reiki Energy Work

What is Reiki?

Reiki is Universal life force energy, an ancient Japanese healing system used to create wholeness in mind, body and spirit. It is a non- invasive healing energy. “Rei” meaning Universal and “ki”, or life force energy, moves through practitioner to client. Reiki can never be harmful to the system, meaning you receive only what you need.

I am Reiki III trained in the Usui Reiki lineage. A typical session is held at my office on a massage table where clients lie down fully clothed and supported by bolsters and other props. Clients choose whether or not they would like hands on or slightly hovering above the body. Touch is not necessary for you to receive the energy. I typically begin by guiding you through a grounding meditation to support you in fully arriving in the space. I encourage all of my clients to share or speak throughout session in order to maintain safety and connection throughout.

I have the privilege to offer this energy with horses as well, I allow them to guide the session and honor their choice of hands on or off. Depending on their comfort and my sense of the connection, I will stay outside of the stall or enclosure and other times I will be much closer to the horse, they always choose.

Therapy clients have the option to engage in energy work during sessions to support nervous system and overall wellbeing.

Human Reiki Session $125

Equine Reiki Session $75

Reiki is not a replacement for traditional medical or veterinary care, it is not a cure, and as a practitioner I do not diagnose or treat illnesses in humans or horses.